Saturday 1 March 2014

Effect of Assurance Relevance Interest Assessment Satisfaction Learning Strategy (Puzzle Vs Video) on Student Learning Result Cognitive about Ecosystem at MAN 8 Jakarta

Effect of Assurance Relevance Interest Assessment Satisfaction Learning Strategy (Puzzle Vs Video) on Student Learning Result Cognitive about Ecosystem at MAN 8 Jakarta
Rosid Marwanto, M. Nurdin Matondang  S., Hanum Isfaeni
Major of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science-State University of Jakarta
Jl. Pemuda 10 Rawamangun Jakarta 13220 Indonesia
Telp/fax, +62.21.4894909

One of about problem learning is the lack of learning process, so that student will get bored in learning. Therefore, in learning process should be fun to use learning strategy such as ARIAS. This research aims go to show influence of ARIAS learning strategy and learning media puzzle with ARIAS learning strategy and learning media video on cognitive learning result of student about ecosystem in MAN 8 Jakarta. The research was conducted in MAN 8 Jakarta on November 2012. Method used was experimental (Post test-only Group Design). Samples were the students of grade X.1 and X.3 each 30 students with simple random sampling. The instruments used were multiple choice questions with five choice. Based on result of this research was achieved average students learning result cognitive at experiment class with puzzle were 74,03, while average students learning result cognitive at control class with video were 61,93. Prerequisite tests were goodness of fit test Kolmogorov-Smirnov and F test for homogeneity test. Data from population were normally distributed and had homogeny variances. Hypothesis was tested by t test at confidence level 95% resulted in t value (1.91) which was higher than t table (1.67), therefore, null hypothesis was rejected and it could be concluded that students learning result cognitive about ecosystem utilizing ARIAS learning strategy and learning media puzzle higher than with ARIAS learning strategy and learning media video.

Keywords: comprehension, Slow Loris Awareness, slow loris conservation

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